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What I Learned From The Desire To Progress
We often get trapped in this “advancement loop” because it keeps us busy, and it looks like we’re doing work that matters. While progress is a good thing, making this…
Reiki Level 1 – An Indispensable Tool For Experienced Practitioners
As practitioners, we are constantly exposed to a broad range of Reiki systems, techniques, and ways to find balance with energy healing. While each has its role, they tend to make us…
The Unspoken Truth About Reiki
This year gave me the opportunity and privilege to interact with ReikiScoop’s audience in various ways. Seeing so many people interested in our content and engaging in the workshops was…
Understanding Level 1 Karuna Reiki Symbols And Their Connection With Archangels
Generally speaking, Karuna Reiki allows you to use and integrate a higher vibrational level of the universal life force energy than Usui Reiki. This manifestation of the universal life force energy offers…
Meditating With Archangels
Each day is a gift. Being excited about what you can learn and experience is a healthy mindset than can open you up to new opportunities. If you’re flexible… And…
How Listening To This Spiritual Element Can Revive Your Individuality
We live in a fast-paced world that rarely leaves room for introspection. You’re sprinting from the moment you wake up until you close your eyes in the evening. Even before…
The Simple Power Of Transmutation
Life often resembles nature’s still-dynamic rhythm. Regardless of how much you hurry day in and day out, life moves at its own pace. It is what it is! The present…
How To Use Reiki To Help Manifest The Best Outcome For You
Finding balance in the present moment and gradually creating a better future for ourselves is a work in progress. It involves acceptance, dedication, and perseverance. While it may sound fairly…
What Are Spiritual Expressions And How They Can Help
All spiritual practices include prayers, mantras, incantations, or algorithms. Regardless of how they might look and feel, they serve a similar purpose. But, to better understand their role and why…
How To Interpret Addictions And Why Reiki Can Help
We practice Reiki to reinstate or maintain balance at the mental, emotional, and energetic levels. With time, this exercise helps us understand the changes that occur and gradually helps us become aware…
Why Was I Torn About Distance Attunements
Do distance attunements work? Are they something worth considering? Such questions have troubled me for a long time, considering I have met various practitioners who have been practicing them with…
Which Reiki Symbol Is The Best
Reiki symbols seem to be the center of our practice in many ways. While they are very useful instruments, symbols are just a part of the overall process. Still, nobody…
The Pillar Of Light Cleansing And Energizing Method
Reiki offers a wide array of methods that can amplify the results of your daily practice. More precisely, there are certain ways to enrich the effects of self-treatment by simply…
Is Shamballa Reiki Something Worth Your Attention
There are many Reiki systems out there one can engage with in their spiritual journey. While some are merely a source of publicity, others hold incredible knowledge and wisdom. Examples like…
Balancing the Feminine and Masculine Energies
Disclaimer: There are two energies that exist in everyone. The following newsletter is written through this lens and has no relation to any type of ideology, gender identity, or physical…
The Link Between The Body And The Soul
Each and every year, more and more doctors, psychologists, and psychotherapists go beyond their standard learnings and expand their field of work. Regardless if they do it through their therapy…
Reiki Methods For Cleansing Your Home
As Reiki practitioners, we first focus on raising our vibration and bringing balance at the emotional, mental, and physical levels. Once you integrate the basics of Reiki and become comfortable with using…
Is Reiki Just A Placebo Effect
“Pseudoscience” is a term that replaces most topics that don’t belong to the scientific community. It’s a word used to describe something that may resemble science but doesn’t meet the…
Acknowledging The Existence Of Energy Exchange When Providing Therapy
When practicing Reiki on others, do we absorb part of their residual or negative energies? Is the universal life force energy flow enough to cleanse and protect us during and after each…
Blending Tantra Healing With Reiki
Spiritual growth can take many different forms. Some go through the experience of having a family or long-term relationship where they develop as part of a couple. Other awakenings might…
The Concept Of Orgone Energy
There are many ways to enhance the universal life force energy flow. This can bring more harmony, peace, and well-being into your life and the lives of those around you….
How Reiki And Magic Can Work Together For Your Spiritual Growth
Magic usually has negative connotations. It’s associated with supernatural powers and the ability to achieve a certain outcome. But sometimes, Reiki and magic come together in the same context. Even…
Why It’s Necessary To Cleanse Your Soul And How To Do It
Your soul is essential to your physical, energetic, and spiritual body. It is the divine spark offered to you at birth. It holds all the positive, beneficial, and constructive programs…
Use A Grounding Tree Meditations For A More Authentic Connection
We all have the ability to manifest both divine and telluric energies. The divine energy refers to the universal life force energy, while telluric is the one that exists within…
Shadow Meditation
The ‘shadow’ represents unfulfilled desires accumulated at the inner-self level. These can be from the present or past lives. The ‘shadow’ is not necessarily bad, but it represents parts of…