The Deeper Meaning Of Meditation

Meditate to find the questions that are within you. - ReikiScoop

Let’s talk about meditation and why its deeper meaning is far more important than mainstream perception. Like Yoga, the act of meditating has become a ‘cool’ activity. It’s something people like to talk and write about. It’s like coffee. Unfortunately, there’s more discussion around the subject than practice. I might be wrong, but I believe … Read more

More Than Meets The Eye

There's always another story. There's always more than meets the eye.

Have you ever wondered if Reiki symbols have more uses than what’s taught in books or seminars? It would be no surprise if this thought didn’t cross your mind. Opinions differ from teacher to teacher, and most cover what’s generally accepted. For example, I know Reiki teachers who don’t believe that Cho Ku Rei has … Read more

How To Save A Bad Day

I'm not what happened to me. I'm what I choose to become. - Carl Jung

We all have good and bad days. But we hardly notice the good ones. They make us smile, and we enjoy them to their fullest. It’s the crummy days that need our attention. I had one last week. I woke up feeling tired and angry without a particular reason. It sucks. We all experience it … Read more

Praying And Reiki

Pray As though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. - Saint Augustine

The prayer is a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. It takes the form of one’s religion but shouldn’t be judged by that. It is one of the most beautiful ways to practice spirituality. Religion can become quite controversial. So let’s leave it aside for now. Today we focus on praying, a powerful method … Read more