Explore The Meaning Of Chakra Colors

Our bodies are a reflection of how well we function as human beings. So understanding them, at least at a basic level, is key to keeping them healthy and well-balanced.

But the physical body’s state is determined by the energetic system.

What we can see and touch is the mirror of what we can’t perceive.

Our energetic centers, also called chakras, play a crucial role in keeping us healthy at all levels. Each center governs a specific area and provides the optimum amount of energy so the body can thrive.

Specifically, this energy brings to the physical body the required elements for regeneration and good health.

Still, the chakras are not always bright vortexes of light.

Like a rainbow, each chakra vibrates with its own color and resonates with a particular manifestation of the universal life force energy.

This means that they govern a specific part of the body that needs that type of energy to function properly.

Also, there is no “good” or “bad” at a spiritual level, so these energies are not negative. They are simply different vibrations, each with its own role.

How To Interpret Chakra Colors

Through meditation, Reiki, and other spiritual practices, we can perceive the colors of the chakras. The alpha state is usually the inflection point from where we start developing this awareness.

What’s important is to pay attention to the intensity. The brighter the color, the healthier the energetic center is.

When a chakra is out of balance, its color will fade. Sometimes, it can even change to earthy colors such as brown, grey, or even black. But, when fully activated, they are similar to the shades we find in nature.

NOTE: There is even a higher state of consciousness and spiritual growth that transcends the known chakra colors. At this point, they become either bright white or gold. But this is a different matter and a subject for another time.

The Meaning Of The Chakra Colors

Just like the rainbow manifests a spectrum of light in the physical world, so do the chakras at the subtle level. Yet, both belong to a single structure and act as a whole.

These colors might look distinct, but they are constantly interconnected and share similar attributes. They can even influence each other.

Let’s see what they represent:

[1] Red – is the color of the root chakra, and it resonates with the energies of grounding, stability, prosperity, and raw vitality;

[2] Orange – represents the energies of connection, physical integration, sexuality, and vital health.

[3] Yellow – connects to inner change, acceptance, protection, and the manifestation of a higher vibrational level of vital energy;

[4] Green – is for emotional and physical healing, forgiveness, and compassion. There is a lot of green in nature, a sign of its endurance.

[5] Blue – is the color of tranquility, calmness, and high vibrational verbal expression. Similar to the ocean, the throat chakra has different waves of communication;

[6] Indigo – the color of mental stability, focus, and ability to perceive the spiritual world. It also has a connection with the expanding consciousness;

[7] Violet – Is the color of spiritual ascension, the connection to pure divine energies and the higher self;

These “primary” chakras are located within the range of the physical body. They represent our integration and transition to the spiritual realms.

Why Consider Working With Your Chakras

You can heal your chakras energetically through Reiki and meditation but also physically by keeping a healthy diet and working out.

Still, spiritual practices are the only way to access a deeper understanding of your inner self.

That’s when you truly start to work with your chakras.

When you raise your vibration, your awareness and consciousness will also grow. Together with acknowledgment, compassion, and gratitude, you’ll develop the ideal recipe for good health at all levels.