Tune In And Be Mindful

Happiness is when what you do, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. - Mahatma Gandhi

The difference between enjoying good results and having amazing experiences is when you transition from habit to lifestyle. It might sound subtle. That’s because it is. But, truth be told, only when you explore something day in and day out do you genuinely grasp the nuances otherwise out of reach. They usually make a difference … Read more

Spiritual Evolution Through The Soul Star Chakra

Each and every being has an innate ability to heal as a gift from the gods. - Mikao Usui

It comes at a time in some people’s lives when they want to go beyond the obvious and discover themselves from the inside out. It’s an adventure that one should enjoy over a lifetime. A good starting point is acknowledging that our physical body is just a manifestation of the inner spirit. Also, our energetic … Read more

The Power Of Small Consistent Steps

A little progress each day adds up to big results. - ReikiScoop

Reiki is a versatile spiritual practice. You can use it in various situations, from simple techniques to complex applications. It can help you transmute negative energies into positive ones while supporting the healing of your emotional and mental bodies. Regardless of the difficulty level, results take time and discipline. Some practitioners advance faster, while others … Read more

Working With The Sphere Of Light

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller

Everything in the universe is evolving. Life on Earth is a result of this evolution. All living beings adapt their daily routine to better overcome unexpected obstacles or improve their way of living. The same applies to our medical, scientific, and technological advancements. So… Why wouldn’t this be the same for the spiritual world? Initially, … Read more

Build A Healthy Relationship With Your Guardian Angel

Positivity is like a muscle. Keep exercising it, and it becomes a habit. - Natalie Massenet

The concept of guardian angels is quite popular in many cultures around the world. Some even see it as a very organized hierarchy of divine beings, with angels and archangels being prevalent. A guardian angel is a high-vibrational, divine entity that co-exists next to you in this life. Although your physical form is fleeting, the … Read more

Become Aware Of Your Inner-Self And Start Healing From Within

True freedom comes from within. - ReikiScoop

Healing oneself is a widely spread concept among most spiritual practices. There is mental, emotional, and energetic healing. While each one contributes to our health, the most important happens at the inner-self level. It might sound abstract, and even some Reiki teachers find it difficult to explain. But I was curious enough to explore this … Read more

Using Reiki Projects To Manifest Your Goals

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible - Tony Robbins

Goals are an important part of our lives. Often, they are merely thoughts that we hope will manifest sometime in the future. It’s healthy to have objectives and desires that fill our days with meaning. It’s how we stay motivated, smile, and find the will to overcome hurdles. Apart from taking care of your physical, … Read more

1 “obvious” Approach For Absorbing Negative Energies

When we see beyond self, we no longer cling to happiness. And when we stop clinging, we can begin to be happy. - Ajahn Chah

Reiki offers various techniques and tools that you can use to heal your mental and energetic bodies. Think about the moments you feel lethargic, stressed, or simply out of tune. It’s challenging to pick yourself up and start working with your energetic structures piece by piece. Still, you can always have a “backup plan” when … Read more

Help Yourself First To Help Others Later

Perfection is the child of time - Joseph Hall

“Perfect is the enemy of progress. Taking action is more important than worrying about mistakes. Choose the path you resonate with the most, and let time optimize your process.“ Although Reiki should be a regular, conscious practice, there are days when we feel lethargic, unmotivated, or even weary. These are normal occurrences and can result … Read more

Learn To Heal Past Traumas With Reiki

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. - Mahatma Gandhi

Our present life is the result of our past experiences and our perception of life through those experiences. Furthermore, our personalities are shaped by the influence other people have on us. I consider life a beautiful gift and believe we should enjoy it … “responsibly.” Yet… some events shape us in ways we can’t control. … Read more