Tune In And Be Mindful

Happiness is when what you do, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. - Mahatma Gandhi

The difference between enjoying good results and having amazing experiences is when you transition from habit to lifestyle. It might sound subtle. That’s because it is. But, truth be told, only when you explore something day in and day out do you genuinely grasp the nuances otherwise out of reach. They usually make a difference … Read more

The Power Of Small Consistent Steps

A little progress each day adds up to big results. - ReikiScoop

Reiki is a versatile spiritual practice. You can use it in various situations, from simple techniques to complex applications. It can help you transmute negative energies into positive ones while supporting the healing of your emotional and mental bodies. Regardless of the difficulty level, results take time and discipline. Some practitioners advance faster, while others … Read more

1 “obvious” Approach For Absorbing Negative Energies

When we see beyond self, we no longer cling to happiness. And when we stop clinging, we can begin to be happy. - Ajahn Chah

Reiki offers various techniques and tools that you can use to heal your mental and energetic bodies. Think about the moments you feel lethargic, stressed, or simply out of tune. It’s challenging to pick yourself up and start working with your energetic structures piece by piece. Still, you can always have a “backup plan” when … Read more

The Physical Body Is An Indispensable Tool For Spiritual Growth

Mens Sana In Corpore Sano

Although we live in a physical plane, our world is permanently interconnected with other spiritual dimensions. According to the concept of the Sephirotic Tree, we find ourselves at the intersection between the higher and lower spiritual worlds. This “middle” location is expressed through the physical realm with access to the spiritual planes (high and low). … Read more

How To Address Weight Loss With Reiki

The physical body is the image of the energetic body and of the inner self. - ReikiScoop

“The physical body is the image of the energetic body and of the inner self.” This is what a good friend of mine, who is also a Reiki Master, once told me. She said that it’s the first thing that comes to mind when she sees imbalances occur at a physical level. She’s also a … Read more

Mind Your Spiritual Vibration

Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas. - Marie Curie

I’ve always been fascinated by our potential to connect and live within a higher frequency. When I first learned about this possibility, I imagined it was quite challenging, not to mention doing it every day. But my love for these concepts stimulated my curiosity and motivated me to dig further. I really wanted to understand … Read more

The 3 Sensitivity Levels In Reiki

You don't become what you want. You become what you believe. - Oprah Winfrey

Deep down, we all expect positive, even life-changing outcomes when we partake in a meditation session, Reiki treatment, or any other spiritual practice. Klaus is a good friend of mine. We’ve known each other for years, and if there is one thing I can say about him without hesitation, it’s that he’s much more than … Read more

Anxiety – The Importance Of Working With Yourself

After the storm comes the rainbow - ReikiScoop

“Every time we talk, I fear not to say something that will push her heart rate through the roof” – I always felt that when I called my cousin. At the time, she was going through tumultuous times. Mary had just gotten out of a divorce, and her emotional side was a mess. Saying that … Read more

The 3 Required Elements For Emotional Healing

You are the most important person in your life - ReikiScoop

Emotional healing is probably the most common discussion among Reiki practitioners. Having a good relationship with ourselves enables us to have confidence when we interact with other people. Some Reiki practitioners achieve emotional healing easier than others. It may seem abstract, but I’ve noticed that this outcome is not directly correlated with their experience. There … Read more

How To Save A Bad Day

I'm not what happened to me. I'm what I choose to become. - Carl Jung

We all have good and bad days. But we hardly notice the good ones. They make us smile, and we enjoy them to their fullest. It’s the crummy days that need our attention. I had one last week. I woke up feeling tired and angry without a particular reason. It sucks. We all experience it … Read more