The 3 Sensitivity Levels In Reiki

Deep down, we all expect positive, even life-changing outcomes when we partake in a meditation session, Reiki treatment, or any other spiritual practice.

Klaus is a good friend of mine.

We’ve known each other for years, and if there is one thing I can say about him without hesitation, it’s that he’s much more than a military man.

He’s a strong, confident person with stone-cold thinking who can get the job done. Of course, considering the nature of his work, it couldn’t be any other way.

But Klaus is also a very warm and kind person. Whenever he’s around friends and family, he changes his behavior dramatically.
He feels when others are in need, they somehow know they can rely on him for support.

Still, Klaus is always grounded and calm.

When he started practicing Reiki, he was somewhere in the middle.
He resonated with other people’s energies without being affected too much. Yet, he couldn’t feel the universal energy flowing during self-treatment, or at least not at high intensity.

Klaus is the perfect example of a normal-sensitive person.

You see, we have 3 main sensitivity levels. These are strongly connected to our ability to empath with others:

  • Extra-sensitive
  • Normal-sensitive
  • Non-sensitive

It’s a rough outline but one that can offer a lot of clarity.

This was an enlightening moment for me too. I realized with time that it’s crucial not to label ourselves but acknowledge that these levels exist.

You can be part of one or somewhere in-between.

You can’t know for sure, but it should help you understand yourself better, why you feel the way you do, and how to use this information to improve moving forward.

The extra-sensitive – can easily, even unwillingly, connect to others’ emotions, pains, and energies. It comes naturally. Without knowledge and proper training, it can’t really be controlled. This type makes good psychologists and spiritual practitioners.

The normal-sensitive – type can feel and understand others without being affected. They are usually in balance and can find grounding easily. The downside is that they tend to procrastinate and lose sight of what’s important.

The non-sensitive – struggle to resonate with the energy of others. They can become good spiritual practitioners but need more work to build up confidence. This type has a great advantage. It’s hard-working and very focused.

Even if this is a general classification, it’s more than enough to help you answer essential questions. Use it to learn about yourself and find the optimum path to balance.

You can read about the 3 sensitivity levels here so you can learn more about yourself.