A Different Approach To Cleansing Your Energetic System

Aging gracefully means being flexible, being open, allowing change, enjoying change and loving yourself. - Wendy Whelan

One of the beautiful things about Reiki is its flexibility. You can always experiment, adapt, and improve the way you approach this art form. Furthermore, you can even consider blending Reiki with other practices like Qi-Gong, Yoga, or different types of meditation to enhance their effect. Taking It One Step Further Some practitioners choose to … Read more

Working With The Sphere Of Light

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller

Everything in the universe is evolving. Life on Earth is a result of this evolution. All living beings adapt their daily routine to better overcome unexpected obstacles or improve their way of living. The same applies to our medical, scientific, and technological advancements. So… Why wouldn’t this be the same for the spiritual world? Initially, … Read more

Using Reiki Projects To Manifest Your Goals

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible - Tony Robbins

Goals are an important part of our lives. Often, they are merely thoughts that we hope will manifest sometime in the future. It’s healthy to have objectives and desires that fill our days with meaning. It’s how we stay motivated, smile, and find the will to overcome hurdles. Apart from taking care of your physical, … Read more

Learn To Heal Past Traumas With Reiki

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. - Mahatma Gandhi

Our present life is the result of our past experiences and our perception of life through those experiences. Furthermore, our personalities are shaped by the influence other people have on us. I consider life a beautiful gift and believe we should enjoy it … “responsibly.” Yet… some events shape us in ways we can’t control. … Read more

The Power Of Simplicity

Focus and Simplicity. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But once you do, you can move mountains. - Steve Jobs

Among the many Reiki techniques I had the opportunity to experience throughout the years, there’s one that made me rethink my daily practice. It’s very simple … from a physical standpoint. Yet, it has a complex effect on the spiritual plane. This method is called the “cone of light.” Its purpose is to help cleanse … Read more

The Underrated Reiki Method That’s Always There For You

Respect life and life will respect you. Love life an life will shower blessings on you. - Rajneesh

Have you ever wondered how to use Reiki and its symbols in public spaces? Maybe you’re around people with who you don’t feel comfortable sharing this passion. Maybe you’re among strangers and don’t want to look awkward. It’s something I encounter a lot. Some would say: ‘You shouldn’t care what others think.’ True … But … Read more

A Faster Way To Reconstruct The Energetic Field Of An Affected Area

Not all that you see is real. Not all that is real can be seen. - ReikiScoop

Our physical body is an extension of multiple energetic and spiritual layers. Even if some of us are less sensitive and can’t perceive the energetic body, we become more aware of our non-physical form with constant Reiki practice. After feeling the energy flowing for a consistent amount of time, you get to experience the presence … Read more

Is It Possible To Practice Reiki Without An Attunement

Time waits for no one. - ReikiScoop

“The Universal Energy Is Present For Us All” I’ve been asked this question a lot throughout the years. I always thought that the answer was a simple “No.” But, like with everything, we evolve. We learn and experience new things and discover that 2+2 is not always 4.​Let me explain …​My awareness began to grow … Read more

The Importance Of Healing Your Soul

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. - Jimmy Dean

“Whenever you start a Reiki treatment on someone else, be sure to insist on the area where most of the soul energy is located – the heart area. This is the most important part of therapy!” These are the words my Reiki teacher told us in one of his advanced classes. Even if it happened … Read more

The Importance Of Distance Healing

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that's all. - Oscar Wilde

Reiki is one of the most efficient ways to reach mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. I always encourage my students to practice the Reiki self-treatment as often as possible. It’s best to do it daily or every other day. Consistency is key. This will gradually help you achieve balance and eventually develop a higher state … Read more