Celebrating Yin Energy And Its Role In Your Well-Being

Fulfillment, joy, and smiles result from blending complementary attributes. - blissd by Reikiscoop

As we celebrate women in March, it’s important to recognize and honor the energy they embody. Yin energy, often associated with femininity and the nurturing qualities of life, is a vital force that contributes to our well-being. But sometimes, this energy is misunderstood, misplaced, and often stigmatized. Therefore, I find this as the perfect moment … Read more

The 3 Elements You Don’t Want To Overlook When Providing Attunements

Advice is like snow - the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind. - Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Even if we all have access to the universal life force energy to some extent, Reiki attunements can significantly enhance that connection. Furthermore, this process enables you to consciously channel the universal life force energy flow through your body so it can manifest in your daily life. With time and practice, you’ll experience positive results … Read more

Reiki Level 1 – An Indispensable Tool For Experienced Practitioners

Only those who have patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. - James J. Corbett

As practitioners, we are constantly exposed to a broad range of Reiki systems, techniques, and ways to find balance with energy healing. While each has its role, they tend to make us lose sight of Reiki’s fundamental elements. I once heard one of my teachers tell a story about Hyakuten Inamoto, a student of Hiroshi Doi Sensei … Read more

Understanding Level 1 Karuna Reiki Symbols And Their Connection With Archangels

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Generally speaking, Karuna Reiki allows you to use and integrate a higher vibrational level of the universal life force energy than Usui Reiki. This manifestation of the universal life force energy offers you access to the energy print of archangels and different types of divine entities that are “specialized” in particular roles. For example, Karuna Reiki allows … Read more

How To Use Reiki To Help Manifest The Best Outcome For You

The best way to predict the future is to create it. - Peter Drucker

Finding balance in the present moment and gradually creating a better future for ourselves is a work in progress. It involves acceptance, dedication, and perseverance. While it may sound fairly scientific, it’s a work of love that will bring unexpected benefits. Reiki is an excellent way to support this effort. With each session, you’ll learn … Read more

The Pillar Of Light Cleansing And Energizing Method

Success is the sum of small efforts. Repeated day in and day out. - Robert Collier

Reiki offers a wide array of methods that can amplify the results of your daily practice. More precisely, there are certain ways to enrich the effects of self-treatment by simply adding a few extra elements. Even if some of these methods may not belong to the traditional Reiki practice, the final result is what matters. In … Read more

Is Shamballa Reiki Something Worth Your Attention

There are many Reiki systems out there one can engage with in their spiritual journey. While some are merely a source of publicity, others hold incredible knowledge and wisdom. Examples like Gendai or Komyo ReikiDo have their origin in Usui Reiki. Others, such as Karuna, Lightarian, or Angel Reiki, were channeled by dedicated and pure practitioners. ​ How It All Started Shamballa Reiki is among the systems that significantly contributed to our spiritual ascension. Mr. John Armitage, also known by his spiritual name "Hari Das Melchizedek," channeled it during the mid-90s. He established a special connection with the Count of Saint Germain, who enabled him to channel the corresponding knowledge and energies. Thanks to Mr. John Armitage, Shamballa Reiki is now part of our physical realm as a complex healing and spiritual ascension system that allows the practitioner to go beyond what the traditional Usui Reiki offers. ​ What It Does It includes traditional as well as unique symbols that give the practitioner the ability to transition from mental and emotional healing to activating latent spiritual potentials. One of the main differences between Shamballa Reiki and other systems is the speed at which one can progress. While most give you the opportunity to take your time and develop in your optimum rhythm, Shamballa accelerates the process. This happens because of its higher vibration and purpose. Therefore, practitioners looking to start exploring this amazing energy healing type must be in a sound stage and have most of their imbalances healed. Shamballa Reiki consists of various symbols and meditations guiding practitioners to a higher consciousness state. This journey leads to acknowledging those deep matters that must surface before long-term blockages dissolve. For this to occur, each attunement activates the Earth Star chakra. The Shamballa Reiki practice also stimulates transpersonal chakras like the Soul Star chakra. This opens you up to higher levels of the universal life force energy, which, in turn, helps you cope with the healing of past karmic debts. NOTE: Considering the sheer amount of information this system provides, and the high vibration levels you interact with, I always recommend Shamballa Reiki to those who have already reached the master/teacher level in other systems. ​ A Quick Overview Of Shamballa Reiki's Structure Level 1 - You gain access to the Usui symbols and one from Karuna Reiki at this stage. You'll also interact with high vibrational healing energies such as Shamballa, Mahatma, and the Christ Consciousness; Level 2 - integrates high-vibrational symbols used for specific healing methods and stimulates dormant spiritual potentials; Level 3 - consists of new meditations and symbols focused on developing your connection with your inner self, soul, and divine self; Level 4 - is the master/teacher level. At this stage, you can start exploring the power of the silver-violet flame of Saint Germain and the Sacred Geometry energetic structures for cleansing and protection - Metatron's Cube, Merkaba star, and Flower of Life; ​ Shamballa Reiki is a fascinating experience that combines traditional practice with complex healing methods. While it's true that growing your knowledge can open the doors for previously untapped opportunities, I believe Shamballa has a special place in awakening your inner potential. - Swami Vivekamanda

There are many Reiki systems out there one can engage with in their spiritual journey. While some are merely a source of publicity, others hold incredible knowledge and wisdom. Examples like Gendai or Komyo ReikiDo have their origin in Usui Reiki. Others, such as Karuna, Lightarian, or Angel Reiki, were channeled by dedicated and pure practitioners. How It … Read more

Reiki Methods For Cleansing Your Home

Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. - Willie Nelson

As Reiki practitioners, we first focus on raising our vibration and bringing balance at the emotional, mental, and physical levels. Once you integrate the basics of Reiki and become comfortable with using it on yourself, you may start considering enhancing your practice. One of the ways to do so is by taking care of your environment. The … Read more

Is Reiki Just A Placebo Effect

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it. - William Arthur Ward

“Pseudoscience” is a term that replaces most topics that don’t belong to the scientific community. It’s a word used to describe something that may resemble science but doesn’t meet the “generally accepted” criteria. Unfortunately, Reiki falls into this category. The fun fact is that science and medicine are still in an “infant” state. As a … Read more

Why It’s Necessary To Cleanse Your Soul And How To Do It

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle

Your soul is essential to your physical, energetic, and spiritual body. It is the divine spark offered to you at birth. It holds all the positive, beneficial, and constructive programs you are allowed to receive at that moment in time. These programs can be enhanced according to the actions and endeavors you partake in during … Read more