Why It’s Necessary To Cleanse Your Soul And How To Do It

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle

Your soul is essential to your physical, energetic, and spiritual body. It is the divine spark offered to you at birth. It holds all the positive, beneficial, and constructive programs you are allowed to receive at that moment in time. These programs can be enhanced according to the actions and endeavors you partake in during … Read more

How The Cone Of Light Can Bring Value To Your Practice

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. - Dalai Lama

Traditional Reiki is confined to solid techniques of energetic cleansing and activation of energy channels. Although it resembles the modern approach greatly, there are many elements that have been added later on and are not an integral part of traditional Usui Reiki. These additions make the practice more accessible and efficient. Many debates about the … Read more

How To Support Your Romantic Relationships With Reiki

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they're yours. If they don't, they never were. - Richard Bach

Love is one of the most powerful emotions a human can experience. It’s what drives us to do great things, and it fills us with happiness and contentment. But like any other emotion, love can be tricky to navigate at times. And when things get tough in our romantic relationships, it’s easy to fall back … Read more

Manifesting Abundance With Reiki

I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them. - Oscar Wilde

Reiki and abundance are two concepts that can be difficult to reconcile. On the one hand, Reiki is a spiritual practice that encourages peace and detachment from material possessions. On the other hand, abundance is often associated with having lots of money. How can these two concepts work together? The answer lies in understanding the … Read more

How To Cleanse Your Aura With The Combing Technique

Every day brings new choices. - Martha Beck

The variety of Reiki techniques is wide. While Reiki isn’t that complicated to learn, and you can go a long way with only the basic methods, some practitioners consider this approach as being too “limited.” On the other hand, the Western practice resembles a more “upgraded” version. So… is there a right or wrong answer? … Read more

How To Go Beyond The Standard Reiki Distance Healing

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. - Muhammad Ali

In Reiki, self-treatment acts as the foundation for your health and spiritual growth. Knowing the hand positions, symbols, and cleansing techniques is essential for building a healthy and stable practice. But what happens when you want to help others that are far away? That’s when Reiki distance healing comes into play. Of course, it’s not as straightforward as … Read more

Cleanse, Protect, and Heal with the Cone of Light

The purpose of art is washing the dust pf daily life off our souls. - Pablo Picasso

Reiki has a variety of traditional and non-traditional ways to cleanse and cure the body’s energetic system. There are some debates among Reiki practitioners and teachers about whether such approaches should be given the same significance as traditional ones. Personally, I believe that everything must progress. In fact, the entire Universe accomplishes something new every … Read more

Reiki Self-Treatment Through Visualization

Don't go through life, grow through life. - Eric Butterworth

Self-treatment is the core of Reiki. By practicing it, you can tap into Reiki’s huge potential, which includes the healing effects channeled through the universal life force energy. With time, practitioners have brought to the surface several variations, such as: Probably … there are many more. Still, none of them replace the classic, full Reiki … Read more

Enrich Your Practice Through The Pillar of Light

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. - Mike Murdock

​Reiki, as well as other practices, offer methods that might seem “outside the box” and go beyond the rather classic approach. Some of these methods were either less known or added by practitioners later on. This is how Reiki evolves and why a symbol, for example, has certain uses, but it’s not limited to them. … Read more

How To Use Incense To Dispel Negative Energies

Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. - Franklin P. Jones

Reiki techniques and symbols are a great way to cleanse a room from negative and residual energies. Broadly speaking, there are 5 elements you need to consider: ​For a complete cleansing session, you have to focus the universal energy on each of the above. But there are other ways to achieve a similar result, and … Read more