From Overwhelm To Inner Peace With Intuitive Healing

Sharpening intuition is like tuning a radio to the clearest frequency, revealing the wisdom that's always been within you. - ReikiScoop

There are different types of energies flowing all around us. Some are good, others less so. Even entities can be present within this flow, influencing our state of being and decision-making process. But, while it’s easy to attribute our feelings or circumstances to these external energies, it’s important to remember that they resonate with us … Read more

How Communicating Beyond Words Can Boost Your Thyroid Function

We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. - Epictetus

Have you ever wondered why so many people, even at younger stages, experience thyroid imbalances? It’s easy to blame it on fast food and questionable lifestyles. But the underlying reason is usually much reacher and profound. It hides under one name… Communication Thyroid hormones have a direct impact on the brain and its neurotransmitters. They … Read more

Cultivate Emotional Stability With Present Living

The only thing that matters is being in the present!-ReikiScoop

I didn’t know what to expect as I was making myself comfortable between two fellow practitioners. Little did I know that I would experience a surprising yet eye-opening event. ‘The only thing that matters is being in the present!’ Said my friend, a seasoned emotional healing guide, at her workshop. I felt ready and let … Read more

From Dark Pasts to Bright Futures

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. - Melody Beattie

‘Just a moment, as I really need to take my anxiety pills.’ – she said suddenly, catching me off-guard. The room became quiet. Only the soft crackling of burning candles was breaking the silence. I blinked… still processing this abrupt statement. A mental image of a lone traveler at a crossroads, unsure of which path … Read more

My Experiment With Reiki Before Bedtime

If we could get your subconscious mind to agree with your conscious mind about being happy, that's when your positive thoughts work. - Bruce Lipton

Ever woken up from a deep sleep, recalling only blurry images of the dream you just had? You know the juicy details are somehow buried inside your mind, but bringing them to the surface seems impossible. Throughout the day, bits and pieces might return, yet they soon slip away like they were never there. The … Read more

Embracing The Art Of Letting Go

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell

Our path toward inner peace and spiritual growth is paved with various spiritual elements. It may seem lonely at times, but as we develop a deeper connection with our true selves, everything becomes much more exciting and rewarding. While learning acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion is fundamental to building a foundation of spiritual understanding, we often … Read more

Discovering Our Place in the Universe

When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate. - Carl Jung

Have you ever looked into the horizon, feeling like you’re blending with the universe, wondering about your place within it all? In a recent conversation with a close friend, we went back and forth on the connection between the soul and inner self. I love exchanging ideas with like-minded people as much as I do … Read more

Can You Tap Into The Energy Of Reiki Symbols Without Their Corresponding Attunement

Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake? - Leonardo da Vinci

Over the years, my Reiki journey has allowed me to engage with many students, practitioners, and instructors with varied experience levels. While each has unique callings, they all seek a deeper understanding and connection with the universal energies. A central point for this spiritual growth is the use of Reiki symbols. That’s because these spiritual … Read more