The Power Of Simplicity

Focus and Simplicity. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But once you do, you can move mountains. - Steve Jobs

Among the many Reiki techniques I had the opportunity to experience throughout the years, there’s one that made me rethink my daily practice. It’s very simple … from a physical standpoint. Yet, it has a complex effect on the spiritual plane. This method is called the “cone of light.” Its purpose is to help cleanse … Read more

The Physical Body Is An Indispensable Tool For Spiritual Growth

Mens Sana In Corpore Sano

Although we live in a physical plane, our world is permanently interconnected with other spiritual dimensions. According to the concept of the Sephirotic Tree, we find ourselves at the intersection between the higher and lower spiritual worlds. This “middle” location is expressed through the physical realm with access to the spiritual planes (high and low). … Read more

What To Be Aware Of When Opening The Third Eye

Be the change you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

What’s the deal with the third eye? Is it something you should take note of? Truth be told… With time… Many spiritual practitioners tend to give more and more attention to opening the third eye. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, it does come with a few caveats. Before anything … you should … Read more

The Underrated Reiki Method That’s Always There For You

Respect life and life will respect you. Love life an life will shower blessings on you. - Rajneesh

Have you ever wondered how to use Reiki and its symbols in public spaces? Maybe you’re around people with who you don’t feel comfortable sharing this passion. Maybe you’re among strangers and don’t want to look awkward. It’s something I encounter a lot. Some would say: ‘You shouldn’t care what others think.’ True … But … Read more

How To Address Weight Loss With Reiki

The physical body is the image of the energetic body and of the inner self. - ReikiScoop

“The physical body is the image of the energetic body and of the inner self.” This is what a good friend of mine, who is also a Reiki Master, once told me. She said that it’s the first thing that comes to mind when she sees imbalances occur at a physical level. She’s also a … Read more

A Faster Way To Reconstruct The Energetic Field Of An Affected Area

Not all that you see is real. Not all that is real can be seen. - ReikiScoop

Our physical body is an extension of multiple energetic and spiritual layers. Even if some of us are less sensitive and can’t perceive the energetic body, we become more aware of our non-physical form with constant Reiki practice. After feeling the energy flowing for a consistent amount of time, you get to experience the presence … Read more

Is It Possible To Practice Reiki Without An Attunement

Time waits for no one. - ReikiScoop

“The Universal Energy Is Present For Us All” I’ve been asked this question a lot throughout the years. I always thought that the answer was a simple “No.” But, like with everything, we evolve. We learn and experience new things and discover that 2+2 is not always 4.​Let me explain …​My awareness began to grow … Read more

The Importance Of Healing Your Soul

I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. - Jimmy Dean

“Whenever you start a Reiki treatment on someone else, be sure to insist on the area where most of the soul energy is located – the heart area. This is the most important part of therapy!” These are the words my Reiki teacher told us in one of his advanced classes. Even if it happened … Read more

Mind Your Spiritual Vibration

Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas. - Marie Curie

I’ve always been fascinated by our potential to connect and live within a higher frequency. When I first learned about this possibility, I imagined it was quite challenging, not to mention doing it every day. But my love for these concepts stimulated my curiosity and motivated me to dig further. I really wanted to understand … Read more

Shika So And Shika Sei Ki In Emotional Healing

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways. - Sigmund Freud

Apart from our physical body, we also have an energetic structure.More than this, our energetic anatomy is as complex as the physical one. There are primary and secondary chakras, channels, and meridians that work together to facilitate the flow of the vital and universal life force energy. We also have complex, subtle bodies that correspond … Read more