The Implications Of Having A Broken Heart And How Reiki Can Help

The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire. - Ferdinand Foch

Reiki enhances the flow of the universal life force energy throughout your body. In its path, it cleanses our minds and the emotional and energetic layers. But, most importantly, it has the ability to restructure our souls. The soul is an integral part of each person and has a considerable influence over the physical, energetic, … Read more

How To Use Incense To Dispel Negative Energies

Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. - Franklin P. Jones

Reiki techniques and symbols are a great way to cleanse a room from negative and residual energies. Broadly speaking, there are 5 elements you need to consider: ​For a complete cleansing session, you have to focus the universal energy on each of the above. But there are other ways to achieve a similar result, and … Read more

Reiki And Massage Therapy

Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy. - guillaume-apollinaire

We use Reiki to place our physical, mental, and emotional bodies in a state of healing. Other practices like Qi-Gong, Theta Healing, and even massage therapy can also improve our spiritual side. But what happens if we blend one of them with Reiki? Well … from a traditional standpoint, this shouldn’t happen. ​Reiki is considered … Read more

How To Manifest Your True Divine Potential

Self-discovery is the greatest achievement in life. Once you discover yourself, you can fulfill your potential. - Marco Pierre White

Human beings are probably the most complex living organisms on the planet. This goes beyond the physical structure through our diverse cognitive abilities. Perhaps the element that separates us from the animal reign is the higher consciousness, also called the higher self. In fact, this is the one that enables us to enjoy reasoning, complex … Read more

A Different Approach To Cleansing Your Energetic System

Aging gracefully means being flexible, being open, allowing change, enjoying change and loving yourself. - Wendy Whelan

One of the beautiful things about Reiki is its flexibility. You can always experiment, adapt, and improve the way you approach this art form. Furthermore, you can even consider blending Reiki with other practices like Qi-Gong, Yoga, or different types of meditation to enhance their effect. Taking It One Step Further Some practitioners choose to … Read more

8 Spiritual Layers That Help Us Better Understand What We Are Healing

A human being is like a mixed angel. - John of Damascus

We activate different energetic structures whenever we practice Reiki, meditation, or prayer. This activation determines our cells and senses to react and adapt to the changes in vibration. We gradually then feel these fluctuations as we progress deeper into the spiritual practice. At one point… The whole body “becomes aware” that we’re raising the vibration … Read more

Why Is The Kundalini Energy Important For Your Overall Health

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. - Charles R. Swindoll

The Kundalini energy has the power to surface many of our great potentials. You can use it to enhance inner healing as well as develop your spiritual side. Yet, it all comes with a caveat. There’s quite a debate among spiritual practitioners on how to approach Kundalini in the best way possible. That’s because this … Read more

Explore The Meaning Of Chakra Colors

Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud. - Maya Angelou

Our bodies are a reflection of how well we function as human beings. So understanding them, at least at a basic level, is key to keeping them healthy and well-balanced. But the physical body’s state is determined by the energetic system. What we can see and touch is the mirror of what we can’t perceive. … Read more

How To Navigate Self-Sabotage by Better Understanding Reiki’s Role

Don't go through life, grow through life. - Eric Butterworth

Each one of us experiences life differently. Some seem to be living in a perpetual holiday, while others struggle day in and day out. Either way, we all go through ups and downs. Unfortunately, these extremes tend not to be related to one’s general situation. Therefore, change can come suddenly and violently to people you … Read more