Pursuing Your Divine Purpose

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu

Have you ever found yourself seeking a deeper meaning to your existence? Are you occasionally wondering about the spiritual purpose you’re serving that goes beyond the ordinary rhythms of everyday life? This signifies awakening your awareness, gently poking your conscious mind, and kindling a desire for evolution. It’s when your actual journey begins. Bear in … Read more

Creating A New Age Concept With Ancient Origins

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

While “creating a sacred space” may sound like a New Age concept, the idea has existed for centuries. Whether constructing an altar in your home or fostering harmony throughout your household, the process of creating a sacred space can be simple yet carry profound significance, depending on your intentions for that dedicated area. The basic … Read more

Exploring Forgiveness As A Divine Attribute

Forgiveness is as simple as you allow it to be. In my youth, I considered any negative energy from others as a cause for vengeance and justice. I believed that bad attitudes, swearing, or aggressive behavior deserved some form of retribution. That’s how I used to think back then… Looking back and as my interest … Read more

Overcoming Limitations By Embracing Your Fear Archetype

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. - Carl Jung

Have you ever wondered why you react differently than others in certain situations… Why you might thrive in chaos while others seek harmony… Or why some people are risk-takers while others play it safe? We’re all bound by common physiological and behavioral tendencies, yet we each carve unique paths in navigating life’s challenges. These different … Read more

Harnessing Reiki to Strengthen Your Bond with the Higher Self

By three methods we may learn wisdom:1st by reflection - the noblest; 2nd by imitation - the easiest; 3rd by experience - the bitterest; - Confucius

Many Reiki practitioners, at one point in their spiritual journey, might fear losing their connection with their higher self. It’s actually quite common, yet many face it as one of their biggest struggles. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Once you acknowledge the possibility of this occurrence and prepare yourself for facing it, … Read more

100 Years of Reiki – A Trip To Japan

100 Years of Reiki - reikiscoop

As we step into a new century of Reiki, it is only fitting to celebrate this era of spiritual enlightenment with the recognition it deserves. I recently had the opportunity to participate in this beautiful historical moment by attending the 100 Years of Reiki conference in Osaka, Japan. After 20+ hours of flying, waiting in … Read more

The Surprising Power Of Mental Imagery

The world is the same. It all depends on how you choose to see it. - blissd by ReikiScoop

Have you ever wondered why so many spiritual practices call upon “visualization” to achieve the best positive outcomes? Also… Have you thought about why sometimes our minds create chaotic and stray thoughts which disrupt our thinking? Well… these two questions are actually related, and surprisingly, they lead to the same answer. That’s because… Exposing yourself … Read more