3 Reasons That Prevent You From Manifesting Your Goals

As far as I can tell, it’s just about letting the universe know what you want and then working toward it while letting go of how it comes to pass. - Jim Carrey

“If you’re so convinced about the power of manifestation, then why don’t you manifest a Rolls Royce?” – a skeptic once asked me. “Because manifestation is a deeper concept. It doesn’t work instantly just by snapping your fingers. It has prerequisites.” – I replied. I was asked this question a long time ago. Even though … Read more

How A Mountain Hike Helped Me Dissolve My Karmic Debts

As I make my slow pilgrimage through the world, a certain sense of beautiful mystery seems to gather and grow. - A C Benson

Ever feel like you’re not living life at your full potential? Despite your efforts to meditate, help others, and improve your existence in various areas, you still seem to struggle. It’s not that you’re not making progress or you’re not fulfilled from time to time. But something there is missing, and it’s not about greed … Read more

Unlock Your Psychic Surgeon Potential

We are what we believe we are - CS Lewis

“You can perform surgery with Reiki!” I was baffled yet intrigued when I first heard my teacher say this. I didn’t know what to think or when to stop my mind from spinning. So, I patiently waited for him to explain. “Yes! you heard it right.” “There’s a Reiki method that allows you to perform … Read more

5 Things I Learned In 20 Years Of Practice

A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. - George Bernard Shaw

Since a very young age, I saw society differently than others. My idea of how each person should implement ethical and spiritual elements into their lives seemed off the beaten path. At least in the beginning… With time, experience, and by getting to know more spiritual practitioners, I found that my view was similar to … Read more

Dragons: Understanding Their Role And How To Harness Their Energy

Not everything that you see is real and not everything that is real can be seen. - ReikiScoop

Sometimes, there’s a strange presence around that you can’t define. It feels intense… Yet, it’s not angelic nor negative. Many Reiki practitioners experience the company of dragons during sessions or in day-to-day life. But they often misinterpret these signals. Our cultural stories and personal fears can paint dragons as dark forces when, in reality, it’s … Read more

Integrating Archangel Michael In Your Reiki Practice

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. - Nelson Mandela

I remember this one time when I stepped into a room and instantly felt the thick air washing over me. It was as if this unseen tension captured my body, blurred my thinking, and diminished my ability to react. I was still aware that a quick yet effective solution to protect my energy would greatly … Read more

5 Types Of People You Meet For Spiritual Growth

You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. - Richard Branson

Did you ever have those epiphany-like moments when someone you didn’t expect indirectly offers you the answer to a question that’s been nagging your subconscious for months? Or perhaps you meet incredibly annoying individuals who later on prove to have made you aware of an unhealed past trauma? Not every person we encounter matches our … Read more