How To Reinstate Balance With A Busy Schedule

A grateful heart is an engine for miracles. - ReikiScoop

My first guided meditation was memorable. A whole new world opened up, and everything became more clear. It felt like somebody placed their hands on me, took me into deep relaxation, and then the healing started. It was unique. That’s why today I want to share with you something similar that you can use in … Read more

Does The Reiki Light Actually Work

No matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there is something stronger, something better, pushing right back. - Albert Camus

Without light, you rotten from the inside … You don’t see it at first. You know something is happening, but you don’t mind it until it shows on the outside. It doesn’t have to be a severe affection. Your skin might speak to you. Maybe your behavior changes without you noticing. Anger, fear, and lack … Read more

Nurture Your Crown Chakra

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere - Frank A Clark

We all go through stressful times in our lives. What’s also true is that we experience them differently. Some overcome a tragic event easier than others can forget a bad hair day. It’s an extreme example but not far from the truth. We often forget about ourselves and what we are capable of achieving at … Read more

4 Things To Do Before Reiki Self-Treatment

Success lies in a masterful consistency around the fundamentals. - Robin Sharma

I met a lot of people during my first years of practicing Reiki. We were from different backgrounds and stages in our lives. Like with all new groups, you tend to like a few, exchange opinions with most, and eventually, some become your friends. This was the case for Raoul and me. We started at … Read more

Pay Attention To Your Meridians

Keep it simple. When you get to complex you forget the obvious. - Al McGuire

In the spiritual world, people care to discuss a vast array of topics. As a result, they hide many mysteries, raise fascinating questions, and, most importantly, help us improve our lives optimally. Unfortunately, there is often more talk than action. Chakras are a good example. It’s something that starts beyond our physical plane and goes … Read more

How To Manifest Abundance With A Crystal Grid

You are not what you think you are. You become what you think you are. - Les Brown

Do you have that person in your life that’s constantly in a good mood? Laughing, enjoying life, and it seems like she has a brain injury or something? Anitta is like that to me. We’ve been friends for a long time, even before I started practicing Reiki. I know her story inside out, and throughout … Read more

3 Ways To Enhance Your Reiki Practice

The mind is everything. What you think you become. - Buddha

It happened so fast. Like a bullet but without the BANG. Jane woke up one day, realizing that her good old habit had faded. Strange, because it feels like it never left her routine. She just told a florist how great it is. The slow but steady flow of “reasons” removed Reiki without a sound. … Read more

The Deeper Meaning Of Meditation

Meditate to find the questions that are within you. - ReikiScoop

Let’s talk about meditation and why its deeper meaning is far more important than mainstream perception. Like Yoga, the act of meditating has become a ‘cool’ activity. It’s something people like to talk and write about. It’s like coffee. Unfortunately, there’s more discussion around the subject than practice. I might be wrong, but I believe … Read more

More Than Meets The Eye

There's always another story. There's always more than meets the eye.

Have you ever wondered if Reiki symbols have more uses than what’s taught in books or seminars? It would be no surprise if this thought didn’t cross your mind. Opinions differ from teacher to teacher, and most cover what’s generally accepted. For example, I know Reiki teachers who don’t believe that Cho Ku Rei has … Read more

How To Save A Bad Day

I'm not what happened to me. I'm what I choose to become. - Carl Jung

We all have good and bad days. But we hardly notice the good ones. They make us smile, and we enjoy them to their fullest. It’s the crummy days that need our attention. I had one last week. I woke up feeling tired and angry without a particular reason. It sucks. We all experience it … Read more