The 3 Sensitivity Levels In Reiki

You don't become what you want. You become what you believe. - Oprah Winfrey

Deep down, we all expect positive, even life-changing outcomes when we partake in a meditation session, Reiki treatment, or any other spiritual practice. Klaus is a good friend of mine. We’ve known each other for years, and if there is one thing I can say about him without hesitation, it’s that he’s much more than … Read more

The Importance Of Distance Healing

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that's all. - Oscar Wilde

Reiki is one of the most efficient ways to reach mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. I always encourage my students to practice the Reiki self-treatment as often as possible. It’s best to do it daily or every other day. Consistency is key. This will gradually help you achieve balance and eventually develop a higher state … Read more

Anxiety – The Importance Of Working With Yourself

After the storm comes the rainbow - ReikiScoop

“Every time we talk, I fear not to say something that will push her heart rate through the roof” – I always felt that when I called my cousin. At the time, she was going through tumultuous times. Mary had just gotten out of a divorce, and her emotional side was a mess. Saying that … Read more

The 3 Required Elements For Emotional Healing

You are the most important person in your life - ReikiScoop

Emotional healing is probably the most common discussion among Reiki practitioners. Having a good relationship with ourselves enables us to have confidence when we interact with other people. Some Reiki practitioners achieve emotional healing easier than others. It may seem abstract, but I’ve noticed that this outcome is not directly correlated with their experience. There … Read more

A Few Things To Consider Before Doing Reiki On Pets

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole - Roger A. Caras

Pets mean the world to us. They represent our expression of kindness, thoughtfulness, and love. Once we have one, life will never look the same. It’s human nature to care for others, especially when their unconditional love grows every day. I still remember my first dog. I had him since he was a puppy and … Read more

4 Simple Ways To Support A Healthy Lifestyle With Reiki

The greatest wealth is health. - ReikiScoop

There’s no secret that we’re living in challenging times. It’s not only COVID but also the different types of pollution, negativity, and fear surrounding us. This affects us at all levels, whether we’re aware of it or not. Then, we are facing unhealthy options all over. It’s a challenge to choose what’s right for us … Read more

How To Reinstate Balance With A Busy Schedule

A grateful heart is an engine for miracles. - ReikiScoop

My first guided meditation was memorable. A whole new world opened up, and everything became more clear. It felt like somebody placed their hands on me, took me into deep relaxation, and then the healing started. It was unique. That’s why today I want to share with you something similar that you can use in … Read more

Does The Reiki Light Actually Work

No matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there is something stronger, something better, pushing right back. - Albert Camus

Without light, you rotten from the inside … You don’t see it at first. You know something is happening, but you don’t mind it until it shows on the outside. It doesn’t have to be a severe affection. Your skin might speak to you. Maybe your behavior changes without you noticing. Anger, fear, and lack … Read more

Nurture Your Crown Chakra

If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere - Frank A Clark

We all go through stressful times in our lives. What’s also true is that we experience them differently. Some overcome a tragic event easier than others can forget a bad hair day. It’s an extreme example but not far from the truth. We often forget about ourselves and what we are capable of achieving at … Read more

4 Things To Do Before Reiki Self-Treatment

Success lies in a masterful consistency around the fundamentals. - Robin Sharma

I met a lot of people during my first years of practicing Reiki. We were from different backgrounds and stages in our lives. Like with all new groups, you tend to like a few, exchange opinions with most, and eventually, some become your friends. This was the case for Raoul and me. We started at … Read more