Shika So And Shika Sei Ki In Emotional Healing

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways. - Sigmund Freud

Apart from our physical body, we also have an energetic structure.More than this, our energetic anatomy is as complex as the physical one. There are primary and secondary chakras, channels, and meridians that work together to facilitate the flow of the vital and universal life force energy. We also have complex, subtle bodies that correspond … Read more

More Than Meets The Eye

There's always another story. There's always more than meets the eye.

Have you ever wondered if Reiki symbols have more uses than what’s taught in books or seminars? It would be no surprise if this thought didn’t cross your mind. Opinions differ from teacher to teacher, and most cover what’s generally accepted. For example, I know Reiki teachers who don’t believe that Cho Ku Rei has … Read more