How Feng Shui Principles Made Me Use Crystals Mindfully

It’s all about the energy you surround yourself with. - Lillian too

‘Never underestimate the power of placement!’ The words of Ms. Lillian Too stuck with me till this day. As the 2019 Extravaganza event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was coming to an end, the fundamental principles of Feng Shui started to make a lot more sense. My sister is a Feng Shui specialist, and I traveled … Read more

Support Your Goals With A Crystal Grid

You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.- Rabindranath Tagore

Crystals are like “transistors” for the universal life force energy. They represent spiritual gifts that can cleanse, recalibrate, and activate your energetic structures. You can use them as instruments to directly channel the divine light towards a specific purpose,  absorb negative and residual energies , or amplify the universal life force energy flow. There are also … Read more

Why Add Crystals To Your Reiki Practice

Start by doing what's necessary, then do what's possible, and suddenly you're doing the impossible. - Francis of Assisi

Reiki was initially taught without using chakras and other “secondary” elements. But curiosity and the thirst for knowledge led spiritual practitioners to study how the universal energy may be guided throughout the body. These endeavors resulted in Reiki books, training programs, and many health and social benefits we enjoy today. In addition, this phenomenon motivated more individuals to … Read more

Enhance Your Reiki Experience With Quartz Crystals

Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. - Robert Louis Stevenson

The quartz crystal family is one of the most well-known group of physical “items.” They are valued for their energetic and spiritual qualities, especially among spiritual practitioners. Similar to the Lapis Lazuli stone, quartz crystals have been used for millennia for different purposes. Despite their basic chemical composition, crystals have molecular activity and energy fields … Read more

How To Use Lapis Lazuli To Enhance Your Reiki Practice

When things change inside you things change around you. - ReikiScoop

Reiki and many spiritual practices incorporate external physical elements to enhance the quality of the therapy. These can vary from incense, high-vibrational music, chimes, bells, and even crystals. There are entire encyclopedias about the latter. Crystals provide physical as well as spiritual benefits. Some stones amplify the flow of energy, others absorb it, and some … Read more

Help Yourself First To Help Others Later

Perfection is the child of time - Joseph Hall

“Perfect is the enemy of progress. Taking action is more important than worrying about mistakes. Choose the path you resonate with the most, and let time optimize your process.“ Although Reiki should be a regular, conscious practice, there are days when we feel lethargic, unmotivated, or even weary. These are normal occurrences and can result … Read more

How To Manifest Abundance With A Crystal Grid

You are not what you think you are. You become what you think you are. - Les Brown

Do you have that person in your life that’s constantly in a good mood? Laughing, enjoying life, and it seems like she has a brain injury or something? Anitta is like that to me. We’ve been friends for a long time, even before I started practicing Reiki. I know her story inside out, and throughout … Read more