How To Use Reiki To Go Beyond Physical Detox

Are you familiar with detox programs?

You probably are. If you haven’t experienced it yourself, you most likely have someone close who went through a detox program. Whether following a specific diet or cutting back on certain foods, detox is a buzzword today.

While all these methods are beneficial, there’s also a lot of confusion around detox. Even nutritionists have opposing views – some argue that no detox is needed, while others swear by specific diets like intermittent fasting, carnivore, or vegan.

Regardless, some universal truths still stand:

  • There are foods and drinks with detox properties.
  • There are emotional, mental, and energetic toxins.
  • The physical body has its own detox mechanism.

Fortunately, Reiki can help stimulate the body’s natural detox ability at all these levels.

But, before we get into the practical side, we must first understand the nature of this imbalance.

3 Types Of Toxins And Their Possible Implications

  1. Physical Toxins – are the buildup of undigested food and waste products in the colon or digestive system. These elements can ferment if ignored, leading to health issues such as bloating, inflammation, and even more severe complications over time.
  2. Emotional Toxins – emerge from unresolved low-vibrational feelings linked to past traumas or negative experiences. These residues can weigh heavily on our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
  3. Energetic Toxins – are low-vibrational energies stuck in your energy field or chakras. They can result from unhealthy interactions or exposure to hostile environments, creating blockages that disrupt the free flow of vital energy.

How To Use Reiki As Detox On Multiple Levels

Reiki enhances the universal life force energy flow.

Through its specific methods, Reiki enables us to consciously guide the divine light where it’s most needed. It helps us dissolve the residual mental, emotional, and physical energies, thus reinstating balance.

Reiki is a subtle and holistic detox mechanism.

Generally speaking, there are two primary ways of using Reiki for detox:

The Reiki Self-treatment

The Reiki self-treatment helps remove physical and energetic toxins.

Our seven primary chakras act as gateways through which vital energy flows. You can nourish, energize, and cleanse your entire system by focusing on these energy centers. It’s not only effective but also a complete process that addresses your whole body.

Adding Reiki symbols like ​Cho Ku Rei​ and ​Sei He Ki​ can amplify the detox effect, especially when placed on the seven primary chakras. You can further enhance the effect by activating the same symbols on the major organs that make up your digestive system.

Use the Reiki self-treatment to help stimulate the body’s natural detoxification ability.

Reiki On Foods And Beverages

I like using Reiki on all my meals.

It helps me savor the present moment, remove stray thoughts, and appreciate the food I have in front of me. It also dissolves any negative energy that might be attached to that dish. Integrating Reiki into my everyday life is also an easy yet effective way to keep it consistent.

However, using Reiki specifically for detox foods will amplify the effects.

Here’s my way of doing it:

  • I start my day with a warm cup of tea, such as dandelion, marigold, hawthorn, or green tea.
  • These help me stimulate digestion while providing a rejuvenating effect.
  • Our body absorbs soft drinks rapidly. That’s why I find teas to be the perfect detox element, especially in the morning.
  • I use Reiki to enhance the process. I activate Reiki symbols above the tea cup and channel energy for about 3-5 minutes as I let it cool down.
  • This will infuse the drink with healing energy, remove unwanted elements, and boost its detox properties.

By combining the two, I’m experiencing the best of both worlds.

It’s a simple ritual that adds a lot of fuel to my day. As I always like to say, prevention is the best cure. Starting your day as healthy as possible is one of the best approaches to long-lasting well-being.

But detox does resume to teas alone.

Solid foods can be equally beneficial.

As long as we keep a clean diet and don’t mix too many ingredients, most meals can bring a lot of positive energy. Fruits and vegetables are the easiest to work with. They come directly from the source and are usually less altered.

When it comes to meat, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Meat takes longer to digest.
  • The animal sacrifice imprints a certain type of energy.
  • It requires cooking, which adds the energy of that person.

Therefore, consider spending more time with meat-based meals. Experiment with different Reiki symbols and visualize the pure light infusing your dish. Take into account all influences for a thorough cleansing process.

We’re all different but have similar needs.

Regardless of your culinary preferences, detox is a natural part of maintaining a clean body. But detox goes beyond what we eat. It implies removing unnecessary toxins from our energetic bodies as well. Reiki can support these efforts by addressing all levels at once. Of course, the more precise our intention, the better the universal life force energy will travel.

I would encourage you to experiment with different foods, beverages, and even Reiki methods. What works for me might not necessarily suit your lifestyle. Therefore, it’s crucial to use any advice as a starting point and tailor the knowledge you acquire to find a process you resonate with.

Listen to your body and let Reiki work in your favor.