How Reiki Can Help You Quit Smoking

I used to love comic books as a boy.

I remember this particular series called “The Lone Ranger”. It was about cowboys and Native American Indians, very popular at the time. For me, the stories were close to science fiction, almost magical, considering we didn’t have access to much information back then.

But one comic book stood out.

I remember this character, Tonto, smoking a long ceremonial pipe filled with herbs. They would pass it on to each other as a sign of peace and respect.

For some reason, this stuck with me through the years.

Probably because my parents were smokers, and I just imagined how cool it would be to see them smoke a long pipe, like the one I say in my comic books.

As I read through them, I learned about shamans and how smoking was part of their rituals. It helped them transition into the spiritual world, connect with elements outside of this realm, like ancestors and divine entities, and even glimpse the future.

With time, and the more interested I became in spiritual practices, the more the smoking ritual made sense.

But, cigarette smoking contradicted my understanding of these ancient rituals.

This contrast made me judge smokers and even consider them less intelligent. Very shallow, I know. But in my mind, I saw them pulling further away from any spiritual connection, which, at the time, I saw it as a superficial way to live.

Fortunately, my perspective evolved. It helped me be less judgemental, and more focused on the relationship I have with myself as well as others.

Smoking is a profound habit.

Deeper than one would think.

You see…

I’ve met many spiritual practitioners throughout the years who smoked. This was still contradicting my beliefs:

‘Isn’t smoking a bad habit? Doesn’t affect your energetic layers and energy centers?’

I kept carrying this question with me for the longest time until one day, when a teacher helped me see things through a different lens:

‘You’re right!’

He said…

‘Smoking affects your throat and third eye chakras.

But, it also helps with grounding.

It even releases some low-vibrational entities.

It’s a physical cleansing mechanism that helps me rebalance after working with patients for 10 hours.

Of course, it’s not the ideal solution.

And for sure, not a long-term strategy.

But sometimes, we’re drained of energy and need external support to recalibrate.’

I didn’t expect this answer.

I wasn’t aware of it.

Until then, I saw smoking as a coping mechanism. At least, this is what I knew from my fellow colleagues who were regular smokers. They would use it to diminish anxiety and stress. In this case, smoking was their go-to solution, not an occasional cleansing tool.

Of course, it goes without saying that a regular habit can easily turn into an addiction. And, as we all know, addictions not only affect the physical body but have psychological implications as well.

Therapeutical smoking should be taken with a

4 Energetic Components You Need To Address To Quit Smoking

I’m not going to talk about the physical implications.

I assume we’re all aware of them. I’m going to focus on the unseen elements smoking can affect. To renounce a bad habit, you must first understand the root cause that’s behind that addiction.

It requires profound cleansing, not surface-level patches.

1. Rewire your mind – When the brain sees smoking as a “need” rather than a choice, it stimulates your survival instinct. Therefore, you must smoke in order to live to see another day. Sounds dramatic, but it’s true.

Solution: Use the Alpha State to help clear your mind. It will allow your subconscious to bring in the information you seek. Particularly, you’re interested in the programs behind your smoking habit. As you gradually begin to identify them, you can also start dissolving them with Reiki.

2. Cleanse your soul – Smoking creates an accumulation of negative energy around your soul’s structure.

Solution: – After a complete Reiki self-treatment, spend more time on your heart chakra. Activate the ​Shika Sei Ki symbol​ to target your soul’s structure specifically. Add ​Harth​ from Karuna Reiki if you’re a practitioner of this system.

3. Dissolve the inner self programs – The programs behind your need to smoke are well-rooted at your inner self level.

Solution: The complete Reiki self-treatment is particularly useful in this case. However, you can also focus on your sacral chakra and experiment with the different Reiki symbols you have access to.

4. Connect to your shadow: Heavy smokers will need to put in more effort. That’s because the habit is embedded in their shadow side. Therefore, it will take longer to dissolve the energy behind this routine.

Solution: You can address your shadow with ​this meditation​.

Your goal is not to quit smoking.

Your goal is to understand why you’re a regular smoker. You want to identify these reasons by understanding the programs behind this habit. As you slowly start to find clarity around them, you can begin to heal them.

Quitting will be an effect of surfacing and dissolving the energy behind the root trigger.

1 Simple Reiki Technique For General Addictions

Whether you’re a regular smoker or struggle with other addictions, Reiki can help lower your desire to continue these bad habits by dissolving the energy that supports them.

But know that the intensity of your addiction matters.

Reiki is indeed a tool that targets the underlying issue, but it’s still in your hands. Therefore, be mindful of your addiction level and understand that it’s one thing to be a casual smoker and another to burn one pack a day.

Regardless, the following method can help:

• Activate your palms with Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki.

• Set a clear intention to dissolve the energy behind your addiction.

• Visualize a life where you’re free from the chains of detrimental habits.

• Place your activated palms on your crown, third eye, heart, and sacral chakras.

• Spend 5 minutes on each position.

• Optional: Add ​Zonar​ + ​Halu​ if you’re a ​Karuna Reiki​ practitioner. These two symbols target addictions and traumas at a cellular level, therefore providing more profound cleansing. They will also help raise your vibration and add an extra layer of protection.

The Takeaway

• We are not here to judge people. Our role is to understand others and only help them if they ask for our helped.

• Smoking is a bad habit. There’s no doubt about that. But, occasional smoking, just like drinking, can be beneficial to some extent. Sometimes, we don’t have the inner strength to address our energetic body other than through physical means. Just be mindful of your actions, and don’t make it a primary tool.

• Always seek alternative methods to reduce stress and anxiety. The more you experiment, the more you learn what works for you. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Knowing this should make you more flexible when choosing the optimal path.

• Physical exercise helps a lot. While I believe in therapy and self-therapy, a holistic approach to well-being will help you combat all bad habits much easier. Healthy eating, physical exercise, socializing, and even learning new skills will keep your mind busy and steer you in the right direction.