Start The Year Strong With Balanced Chakras

Let’s start the year strong!

Every beginning comes with challenges, hopes, and fresh perspectives. It’s an excellent time to reflect on the past and make the most out of this driving enthusiasm. Fortunately, you have more control over the nature of your experiences than you think.

That’s because…

You’re the main driver of your life!

Whether you’re conscious of it or not, the actions you take, the decisions you make, ultimately shape the way your year unfolds. But the more intentional you are about your future self, the better you chances to engineer the optimum outcome are.

  • Learning about your needs through self-discovery.
  • Raising your resonance and vibration.
  • Staying in good physical shape.

Will gradually create a robust foundation for entering higher levels of manifestation.

Through inner work, you leave behind the chains of the past and open yourself up to receiving Divine guidance and wisdom. That’s how you place yourself in front of the optimum decisions. Not by yourself, but through the lead of higher spiritual beings.

The energy healing spectrum is wide. There are various complex methods, while others more suitable for everyday practitioners.

Balancing your chakras is a perfect example.

It’s a simple yet profound approach.

Even if the example I’m going to give you is part of the Shamballa Reiki training, practitioners of all levels can use it to recalibrate the energetic structure of their chakras.

On that note…

I’m putting together a Shamballa Reiki training later this year.

If you haven’t done so already, you can raise your hand here, signaling your interest in this program.

This method is not intended to substitute a complete Reiki self-treatment. Rather, it complements the traditional practice, helping you reach deeper levels of your inner self.

It’s a simple exercise that stimulates the universal energy flow through your primary chakras and, as a result, rebalances your entire energetic system.

Let’s get started.

The Chakra Balancing Exercise

  1. Activate your palms by thoroughly rubbing them against each other or using Reiki symbols.
  2. Place your non-dominant hand about 3 inches above your head, where your crown chakra resides. Spend a few moments here to establish a connection between your palm and your crown chakra.
  3. With your non-dominant hand above your crown chakra, place your dominant hand in front of your third eye chakra. Spend around 3-5 minutes in this position to balance the vital and universal energy flow through the third eye chakra.
  4. With your non-dominant hand above your crown chakra, place your dominant hand in front of your throat chakra. Spend around 3-5 minutes in this position to balance the vital and universal energy flow through the throat chakra.
  5. With your non-dominant hand above your crown chakra, place your dominant hand in front of your heart chakra. Spend around 3-5 minutes in this position to balance the vital and universal energy flow through the heart chakra.
  6. With your non-dominant hand above your crown chakra, place your dominant hand in front of your solar-plexus chakra. Spend around 3-5 minutes in this position to balance the vital and universal energy flow through the solar-plexus chakra.
  7. With your non-dominant hand above your crown chakra, place your dominant hand in front of your sacral chakra. Spend around 3-5 minutes in this position to balance the vital and universal energy flow through the sacral chakra.
  8. With your non-dominant hand above your crown chakra, place your dominant hand in front of your root chakra. Spend around 3-5 minutes in this position to balance the vital and universal energy flow through the root chakra.
  9. After balancing all your primary chakras, brush the energy from your root chakra to your chin in 15-20 strokes. As you do this, slowly remove your non-dominant hand from your crown chakra. This final stage will help stimulate the vital and universal energy flow through your entire body.

NOTE: You can always practice this on another person, with their consent, of course. Ask your patient to sit comfortably in a chair, with their palms on their lap, facing upward. Go through the same steps as above.

The Benefits

This is a great exercise for the beginning of the year.

  • It will help you align with the universal energy flow and stimulate your entire energetic anatomy.
  • It’s a way to encourage detoxification through the removal of low-vibrational energies and promote general well-being.
  • This full-body cleansing is like tidying up your house after a party. You put everything in order and get rid of what’s no longer useful. In the end, you’re left with a feeling of freshness where everything functions smoother and in harmony.
  • You stimulate your blood flow, support your digestion, and strengthen your immune system.

The chakra balancing exercise is a great way to deal with stressful times. But, beyond that, it’s a reminder of our bodies great healing potential and that it’s worth doing our best to maintain their balance.