How To Recharge In Less Than 3 Minutes

We all go through challenging days.

Somehow, everything happens within 24h, and you must handle them all.

You feel fatigued, drained by energy, and the only thing that you can think of is to drop it all.

But you can’t.

You must see this through.

In these moments, you can have an extra cup of coffee, some energy drink, or do Reiki.

Fortunately, there’s an easy and effective method you can consider when you’re overwhelmed and need that boost of energy to keep going.

Meditation In Motion

Reiki is more than 100 years old.

Throughout its history, I’m sure many prominent names like Chujiro Hayashi or Hawayo Takata have tried methods that are not attributed to the traditional teachings.

Yet, we can only sometimes track back these origins.

And, frankly, it’s not essential.

You can safely adopt it as long as it works and you do not hurt anybody else in the process.

The Benefits

The meditation in motion:

  • Promotes clarity of mind while removing the “heavy” low-vibrational energies and projections from your generated fields;
  • Raises your overall vibration;
  • Helps you better connect to the Reiki symbols;
  • Cleanses and activates the primary chakras;
  • Allows your emotional body to be placed in a state of healing;

How To Practice The Meditation In Motion 

  • Activate your palms with Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen + Dai Ko Myo;
  • Activate the same sequence of Reiki symbols on your seven primary chakras. You can also activate a large Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki on your whole body (front and back);
  • Activate the Dai Ko Myo symbol in front of your heart chakra. If you’re not attuned to level 3, use Sei He Ki;
  • Slowly guide the energy of the symbol using your hands and spread it around you in a circular motion. You will use both hands to scoop out the energy of the Dai Ko Myo (or Sei He Ki) and spread its beneficial energy throughout your energetic fields.
  • Your right hand will move clockwise while the left, counterclockwise;
  • Repeat 3 times. With each repetition, say the name of the symbol three times;

(The role of these three scoops is to gather all residual and negative energies from your fields in one place, namely in your navel area, where the sacral chakra resides.)

Now, it’s time to cleanse the gathered residual energies.

  • Repeat the circular movements again 3 times;
  • Instead of stopping at the second chakra area, you will throw them to the ground;
  • Instead of pronouncing the symbol’s name, use the affirmation: “I declare my divine presence here, on Earth!” three times for each scoop; 
  • At the end of each scoop, you throw the gathered residual energies (that were left at the navel area) to the ground;


If there’s one thing I’ve gotten wrong over the years, it’s believing that something must be complex to work.

The “meditation in motion” is the perfect example.

It’s a very potent cleansing and energizing tool you can use on the go.

It also complements the Reiki self-treatment perfectly when you have little time to spare.

It doesn’t interfere with your sleep patterns or vital energy level, as its main purpose is to cleanse and harmonize your energetic structures.

So, I encourage you to try it out and even practice this meditation mindfully and as often as possible.