1 “obvious” Approach For Absorbing Negative Energies

Reiki offers various techniques and tools that you can use to heal your mental and energetic bodies.

Think about the moments you feel lethargic, stressed, or simply out of tune. It’s challenging to pick yourself up and start working with your energetic structures piece by piece.

Still, you can always have a “backup plan” when you can reach out and use a simple, complementary method to bring some additional energy into your system.

The Hidden Power Of A Salt Bath

I first heard about this method from my Reiki teacher, probably around 2009 or so.

Although it may seem quite rudimentary initially, it can bring long-term beneficial effects.

Salt has many beneficial properties, but the most important in this case is the energetic attribute: absorbing negative energies and disintegrating negative energetic strings.

Specifically, salt in your bath will help you cleanse your energetic fields and chakras from most accumulated unwanted energies.

These can include:

  • Negative thoughts;
  • Energies that cause discordant behaviors;
  • Negative programs;
  • Negative strings that are attached to your body;

NOTE: The energetic strings are invisible cords attached to your chakras. This enables you to independently send and receive different types of energies to the people you’ve established a mental or emotional connection with. The kind of energy transferred depends on the quality of this connection. While not all these strings can be so easily removed, the salt bath will help “loosen up” the flow of energy between you and others.

Besides this, some Reiki teachers suggest that salt baths can absorb dark magic energies and dispel them to some extent.

What Type Of Salt Should You Use

Always try to find pure, unaltered, non-iodized coarse salt because it’s untouched by aromas or other chemical products. Therefore, the more natural it is, the stronger the cleansing effect on the body.

Here are some of the benefits of having a salt bath:

  • Remove irritations and inflammations;
  • Improves the smoothness of your skin;
  • Helps alleviate muscle pain;
  • Helps hydrate the skin;
  • Offers a sweet relaxing mood;
  • Facilitates better sleep;

How To Enhance The Cleansing Effect With Reiki

Activate the Reiki symbols you have access to above the water surface to support the calming and cleansing effect of the salt bath;

If you are level one Reiki, you can simply send light for 5 minutes;

Light a candle or incense and activate the Reiki symbols on these elements. This will help dissolve residual energies from your fields and chakras (Mind flammable materials);

You can follow up with a Reiki self-treatment and notice how most of the heavy residual energies have been lifted;

How Often Should You Do This

It depends on your availability and how you feel afterward. Obviously, you shouldn’t do it too often if it’s too intense. Otherwise, there’s no hard rule.

Once a week, a month, or every other month is still a reasonable interval.

Take it slow, try it a few times, and then asses. Your experience will guide you. Also, don’t leave aside the Reiki practice. That’s still the core of our goal – mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.