How To Access Mahatma Energy Even As A Usui Reiki Practitioner

Do you ever think about how you behave at work?

You stay professional, focus on completing your tasks, and maybe have a quick chat with colleagues on the balcony. But that’s as far as it gets. You maintain a certain level of balance to get through the day.

Things are different once you return home.

Now, another side of you shows its face.

Your behavior shifts 180 degrees.

If there’s someone waiting for you, even more so. You show love, affection, and even engage in household duties you’d never do in a workplace.

Strange, isn’t it.

Normal, nevertheless.

Same thing goes when you meet with friends. You share memories, discuss challenges, and maybe… you even get caught up in a little innocent gossip.

All these situations bring out a very different behavior.

Yet, it’s still the same you.

  • Your hobbies haven’t shifted much.
  • Your personality hasn’t changed.
  • Your true self remains intact.

What changed is your perception of them.

Your behavior resembles the unique and diverse manifestations of the universal life force energy. The divine light is only one. Yet, it can come in many forms depending on the intention we have.

For example:

  • Qi Gong practitioners experience it as vital energy.
  • Reiki practitioners see it as a downward current that cleanses and restores the physical, emotional, and spiritual layers of our being.
  • Religious people assign it a human figure and a name.

Yet, it’s the same energy.

The Mahatma Energy

This is one of the most comforting manifestations I’ve worked with.

It’s one of the purest, high-vibrational forms of universal energy that’s deeply connected to the concepts of:

  • Acceptance.
  • Compassion.
  • Forgiveness.
  • Unconditional love.

I came across Mahatma Energy when I studied Shamballa Reiki​.

However, I soon realized that Usui Reiki practitioners could also benefit from this energy. They just need to have a healthy connection to the source of universal life force energy.

By “healthy,” I mean a practitioner who has engaged in self-treatment enough to properly channel the universal energy abundantly and freely.

3 Benefits I Experienced Through Mahatma Energy

  1. Cleansing the energy fields from residual and negative programs or information. These can be detrimental to your mental and emotional health. Mahatma Energy proved very effective in dealing with these energies.
  2. Cleansing the mind and soul to improve cognition. It also helped me open up emotionally without being exposed.
  3. Physical restoration by removing negative energies from organs and tissues.

Many more benefits exist, and each person will experience them differently. This is what worked for me and why I think Mahatma Energy is worth the attention.

How To Invoke Mahatma Energy And Enrich Your Practice

Things cannot be simpler when it comes to Mahatma Energy.

  • Raise your hands above your head.
  • Invite the universal energy to enter your body through our crown chakra.
  • Repeat the following affirmation three times:

“I invoke the Mahatma energy to flow into my body and into my life!

And that’s all there is to it.

Remember: Remarkable results often stem from very simple approaches. In energy work, this is a general rule, valid across the space. In fact, complicating things often leads to confusion and self-doubt.

This is not rocket science.

So trust yourself and the process more than anything else.

Coming back to Mahatma Energy, you can repeat this process for as long as you want. As an experiment, I would try it for ten consecutive days. Then, I would try to notice any improvements in my physical and emotional body.

Key Takeaways

• Channeling the Mahatma energy daily raises the body’s vibration.

• A higher vibration enhances your overall health and perception level.

• This will give you a higher response to life and greater clarity.

• It fosters inner peace and spiritual awareness.

• It helps align you with your higher self while healing your inner self.

• Mahatma Energy is ideal in fostering a balanced state of mind where you become more compassionate and connected both with yourself and others.

Have you used Mahatma Energy in the past?