How Thoughts Shape Reality – The Living Energy That Influences Your Actions

You are the creator of your own world.

When you constantly repeat an idea, your actions tend to align and manifest that thought into the physical plane. Even your subconscious thinking leads to outcomes that influence your life sooner or later.

Same stands true for larger groups of people.

When several individuals share similar thoughts and actions, they have the power to manifest that collective energy in real life.

  • Every thought has an effect.
  • Every action carries a consequence.

Carl Gustav Jung (the Swiss psychotherapist) calls this phenomenon: “collective consciousness“.

The energy that emerges is know as the “egregore“.

The “collective consciousness” is nothing more than a modern interpretation of the “egregore”… or so it seems. That’s because the “egregore” finds its origins in ancient Greece where the word “egregoroi” means “watchers” or “guardians”.

But the crucial difference is that…

An Egregore Is Like A Living Being

In recent esoteric tradition, an egregor emerges from:

  • Shared intentions.
  • Similar thinking.
  • Mutual feelings.

Yet, over time, an egregore can develop a form of semi-consciousness. It can influence not only its creators but also the external circumstances.

Therefore, an egregore can become a “living energetic being”!

When a group of people constantly fuels this energy with their thoughts and emotions, it will only grow stronger. It will gradually begin to act both as a reflection of the group as well as a force that shapes their actions. This dual nature makes egregores fascinating allies in energy work.

Egregores emerge from the collective efforts of:

  • Family members.
  • Group of friends.
  • Even neighbours.

Basically, when certain individuals (regardless of their differences) resonate in thinking and align their actions, an egregore will form. But, the opposite is also true. If you change your vibration, you’ll resonate with a different type of egregore.

This raises a few questions:

Can one person influence an egregore?

Yes! Especially if this person is spiritually awakened and has solved most of their karmic imbalances.

Can a group of people with faulty beliefs influence a high-vibrational egregore?

Yes! This can happen with sustained efforts of mass distribution.

Can Reiki help shift an egregore to spread beneficial energy?

Absolutely! However, significant changes require collective action over a prolonged period.

In fact, you can use Reiki to:

  • Enter an egregore aligned with your values and perception.
  • Exit an egregore you don’t resonate with.
  • Change an egregore that’s close to you.

NOTE: Changing an egregore comes with a caveat. You can but shouldn’t try to impose your view. Your job is to bring positive energy to the situation and shift the actions and thinking of the group for the greater good of everyone involved. Your intention must remain pure and universal.

How To Influence An Egregore With Reiki

As mentioned above, there are three main avenues you can take:

Entering an egregore with Reiki:

  • Find a quiet moment of the day and sit in meditation.
  • Breathe slowly to enter the Alpha State of mind.
  • Begin the Reiki self-treatment.
  • Ask your spirit guides for support and wisdom.
  • Visualize the Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen sequence of Reiki symbols with the intention of entering a beneficial egregore.
  • Repeat this process until you see clear changes in your perception and life.

Exiting an egregore with Reiki:

  • Find a quiet moment of the day and sit in meditation.
  • Breathe slowly to enter the Alpha State of mind.
  • Begin the Reiki self-treatment.
  • Visualize the Cho Ku Rei + Raku Reiki symbols with the intention of exiting the egregore.
  • Ask your spirit guides for support and wisdom.
  • Repeat the process until you feel detached from the egregore.

Changing an egregore with Reiki:

  • Find a quiet moment of the day and sit in meditation.
  • Breathe slowly to enter the Alpha State of mind.
  • Begin the Reiki self-treatment.
  • Ask your spirit guides for support and wisdom.
  • Once you complete the Reiki self-treatment open an energetic gateway to the egregore using the Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen sequence of Reiki symbols.
  • Begin channeling universal energy to the egregore with the intention to shift its vibration for the greater good of all the people involved.
  • Repeat once a week until you notice significant changes.

REMEMBER: Use this last approach only for those who are close to you. The goal is to improve something you’re already part of not alter other egregores.

Egregores serve as a reminder of our interconnectedness.

While collective consciousness brings together shared beliefs, values, and knowledge, egregores have a life of their own. They are seen as semi-autonomous beings that gain power from these collective thoughts. Egregores are more active in nature and can influence the perception of a group.

Reiki practitioners have the tools to work with egregores. Our mission is not to influence them through our thinking but to shift their energy (whenever possible) for the greater good of the individuals involved.

Remember that energy flows where awareness goes.