3 Reasons That Prevent You From Manifesting Your Goals

“If you’re so convinced about the power of manifestation, then why don’t you manifest a Rolls Royce?” – a skeptic once asked me.

“Because manifestation is a deeper concept. It doesn’t work instantly just by snapping your fingers. It has prerequisites.” – I replied.

I was asked this question a long time ago.

Even though I think I gave a pretty honest answer, I now realize that I wasn’t ready to properly express the mechanics behind the concept of manifestation.

But, things are different now.

I have more experience with Reiki and dealing with skeptics. I’m also more knowledgeable about manifestation. I also have experienced it myself.

This is how I see manifestation today and why I think people struggle with manifesting their goals.

Let’s get into it!

Manifestation Is A Gradual Process

We look at manifestation as this grandiose concept.

However, if you brought a thought in the physical plane it’s still manifestation. Regardless of how small or insignificant that may seem, you already tapped into this concept. You have the power to manifest within you.

Acknowledging this fact is the first step you must take.

From here on, it’s a matter of skill and repetition.

Still, this doesn’t mean you can manifest anything at any moment in time. It doesn’t work like that. There’s a lot more to the process than meets the eye

Specifically, I found 3 elements that have to converge at an energetic and spiritual level in order for manifestation to occur.

1) Manifestation Is Not A Material-Related Process

You don’t manifest material gain directly.

While this is a perfectly normal human desire, it’s only a small part of the whole. Usually, material gains are a result. It’s the outcome that emerges once you heal from within.

Manifestation is about creating a synergy between your inner and higher self within the spectrum of the universal life force energy.

You can do so through:

  • Reiki.
  • Meditation.
  • Theta Healing.
  • And any other type of energy healing.

You are the centerpiece in the manifestation process.

The first step is to establish the connection between your inner and higher self. As you begin to balance your energetic structure, you’ll notice how certain things come together. It’s a form of manifestation that teaches you what truly matters.

As your awareness develops, you’ll soon realize that manifestation is not about gaining material possessions. It’s about getting in front of the situations that align with your highest purpose.

This will create a smooth path to walk on instead of a bumpy road that’s full of roadblocks.

2) Manifestation Can Be Enhanced by Your Own Vital Energy 

Physical exercise can stimulate the manifestation process.

Climbing, walking, and even spending time in nature are great examples that can enhance vital energy. In turn, this echoes in the spiritual plane. During the workouts, declare your intention of channeling the generated vital energy toward your goal.

It’s a direct and conscious way to manifestation.

3) The Result of Manifestation

Many people struggle with this.

They can’t figure out why something doesn’t as they planned. They even blame themselves for not being worthy enough. It’s a downhill slope you want to avoid.

The outcome is dependent on two factors:

Optimal Outcome – The element you are trying to manifest has to align with your life’s perspective. That’s why I always recommend adding: “For my greater good on all levels!” Even if the results are not exactly what you desire, they will benefit your life. 

Karmic Debts – There could be karmic debts standing in the way. This is where we circle back to the first point: healing yourself and aligning with your higher self. It will help balance out karmic debts, clearing the path toward manifesting your goals.

Awareness plays a major role because it will help you approach manifestation mindfully.


The truth of the matter is that manifestation happens easily for some.

They don’t have to struggle. However, they aren’t usually doing it consciously, either. They have dissolved karmic debts in this life or others, healed themselves, and now have a clear road ahead.

For others, the reverse it’s true. They get more discouraged with every little roadblock and even think that the world is unfair.

• Align with the universal energy.

• Be in tune with what’s good for you.

• Put yourself in front of the flow instead of going against it.

Manifestation as a divine gift.

The main reason for finding it difficult to manifest things into our lives, is misunderstanding the mechanics of the spiritual world. It’s not supposed to be easy and you should have inner balance before being granted the right to manifest. Otherwise, we would live in chaos.

That’s why prerequisites matter and must be addressed before we can authentically manifest our desires for our greater good and everyone involved.

We all have this gift but we must earn the right to receive it.