What Makes Reiki An Ideal Tool In Dissolving The Energy Behind Trauma

Trauma is a popular topic these days.

Whether it’s something people relate to or simply because it sells attention, it’s predominant on social media and TV channels. Regardless, trauma is real and a serious matter you must address.

But defining trauma can also be a challenge.

One reason for this is that younger generations often struggle to differentiate between real trauma and unpleasant events. In contrast, older generations tended to face challenges head-on, moving forward with their lives rather than dwelling on negative emotions.

Make no mistake, neither I nor anyone else can tell you that your trauma isn’t “real.” Everyone is different, and the intensity of experiences varies from person to person.

However, during hardship, we focus on overcoming the obstacle, and only after do we reflect on the implications.

But, as we become more aware and acceptant of our emotional shortcomings, this order can shift.

What Is Trauma

Psychologically – Trauma refers to any event, situation, or experience that negatively impacts our emotional, mental, or even physical well-being.

Energetically – It’s the accumulation of negative emotions and energies within our energy fields and chakras. This accumulation can disrupt our present lives by blocking the natural flow of energy.

Spiritually – Trauma often corresponds to the attachment of negative entities to our etheric bodies. Once you clear negative energy and release detrimental information, unwanted entities will lose their grip. This makes room for healing at all levels.

NOTE: The more empathic you are, the more responsive you’ll be to unpleasant events. The less empathic you are, the less impactful this event will be. But this leaves room for interpretation. You can easily label events as “traumatic” or disregard emotions that must be healed. It’s something to be aware of.

The 3 types of trauma:

Acute – determined by one isolated event.

Chronic – that unfolds over a longer period and it’s defined through repetitive harmful behavior.

Complex – a series of more traumatic events.

Personally, I had to experience trauma myself to truly understand its energetic counterpart. I dragged its imprint for years without knowing. Only when I started practicing Reiki did I recognize its influence and begin healing.

When you’re in the midst of these experiences, it’s hard to think clearly. The best thing to do is avoid reacting impulsively but take a step back and anchor yourself in the present moment.

Then, it’s important to address it and not let it sit hoping it will go away on its own.

How Does The Reiki Self-Treatment Help Heal Traumas

In my opinion and experience, the Reiki self-treatment is one of the most effective holistic methods for healing traumas.

This effectiveness stems from three key factors:

1. The Universal Life Force Energy

The flow of universal life force energy is the purest and most beneficial force you can introduce into your life for cleansing and healing.

It works on all levels:

  • Physical.
  • Emotional.
  • Mental.
  • Spiritual

Additionally, Reiki complements any other type of therapy, whether psychological or medical treatments, making it an adaptable healing modality.

2. Hands-On + Reiki Symbols

By placing your hands on your body, particularly on the primary chakras, you address various psychic levels, promoting healing and balance. When you combine this with the power of Reiki symbols, the healing process becomes even more potent.

Here’s the ideal sequence of Reiki symbols:

Cho Ku Rei + Sei He Ki + Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen + Day Ko Myo

  • Cho Ku Rei – To increase the flow of energy.
  • Sei He Ki – For emotional healing and mental clarity.
  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen – For distance healing, allowing you to heal past traumas.
  • Dai Ko Myo – To connect to divine energy and spiritual healing.

Start by activating these symbols on your palms, and then place them on each of the seven primary chakras.

For deeper healing:

You can activate all these symbols at the beginning of your self-treatment or integrate them into your daily routine for continuous healing.

3. Connecting with Your Reiki Spirit Guides

Higher vibrational beings help you access different manifestations of the universal life force energy.

They provide guidance and support in solving specific issues. Now, you’re not just relying on your skills, but also their abilities to reinstate balance.

The best way to start working with spirit guides is to invoke their presence before the Reiki self-treatment.

Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel are the entities you want to call upon for transmuting the negative energy and information gained from past traumas into pure, healing light.

These divine entities are the protectors of humanity, and their guidance can accelerate the process of releasing the lingering effects of emotional, physical, and spiritual traumas.

You’re never truly alone with Reiki.

Traumas are essentially projections made of energy and information.

Each experience has its own impact on the individual. The more intense it is, the deeper the energy and information will impregnate. The outcomes is, therefore, directly proportionate with the intensity of the event.

The good news is you can influence both to your benefit.

You can use Reiki to address the mater specifically but also your entire being. By raising your vibration, Reiki gradually helps clear the negative energy behind trauma. This will help you unclog your mind and regain emotional stability.

Remember that Reiki doesn’t erase memories.

But, it does remove the toxic elements attached to them, leaving you in a healthier, more balanced state.

Healing starts from within and traumas are no exception.