How To Find Deep Spiritual Lessons In Everyday Encounters

Meeting new people can offer a fresh perspective on life.

The variety of different backgrounds we run across brings new insights into spirituality and the Divine. But we often let them pass unnoticed. We take most things for granted and often leave many valuable lessons on the table.

I recently realized this when a casual shopping challenge turned into a spiritual encounter.

I’ve always been a music enthusiast.

But only in recent years have I pursued this interest more seriously.

I don’t play instruments.

I’m just fascinated by high-quality sound reproduction.

The technology, the hours of work and research professionals put into perfecting these piece of audio is simply astonishing.

Still, the more I immersed myself in the subject, my connection with my higher and inner self grew. Music wasn’t the only trigger. The people I’ve met along the way helped me see myself through a different lens.

It’s amazing how some of the most valuable lessons emerge from unexpected moments.

I was researching home audio equipment.

As I jumped from store to store, I was really disappointed in the lack of knowledge and interest the sellers had for these products. This should be a joyful experience where you learn what’s new and discover surprising insights. Yet, it felt like I was grocery shopping in an endless aisle with colorful cans.

Driven to find the right setup, I explored various shops until I “accidentally” stumbled upon an expert who shared my passion for music. He spent nearly an hour with me, explaining the differences between various components and accessories.

His passion for music seemed almost out of this world.

And.. to some extent… it was.

I finally found someone who understood my needs.

And, I became a customer the next day. But this was more than a simple transaction. When you meet the right person, the connection goes beyond surface-level communication.

For him, music is an emotion with an energetic impact. It connects people both physically and spiritually. That’s why he puts so much value on quality gear.

I hesitated to deviate from our main topic.

But when there’s resonance, the universe has its own way of making words flow in the right direction.

So, inevitably, he said something that caught my attention:

“Vlad, to hear clear and clean music, the physical vibrations of the speakers must transform, much like we humans convert emotions into energy.”

This was already surprising to hear after spending days in stores where the personal knew nothing about audio, let alone spirituality.

But he continued:

“As we work on ourselves, we can shift heavily charged emotions and energies into something greater, like awareness and wisdom. 

Same thing applies to music: it changes us from within.”

The conversation naturally shifted to more esoteric subjects.

It came to no surprise to learn about his interest in energy healing and meditation. He was knowledgeable about angels, archangels, and the concept of Divinity. He’s actually into Family Constellations – a form of therapy that brings resolution to conflicts within a family system.

I went from a disappointed prospect to meeting a spiritual friend.

He also added:

“I believe Divinity doesn’t always care about our struggles.

I’ve watched dear ones suffer and pass away while holding their hands.

I’ve asked myself questions and sought answers.

I tried to understand why things happen the way they do.

But have a hard time making sense of this universe.

I think God is somewhere on His throne, looking down but not intervening in any way at all.

He might be watching.

But he’s certainly letting us make our own choices for all I know.”

As he spoke these words, a deep sadness was reflected in his eyes. It was a blend of frustration, resentment but also relief. He finally found someone who would not only listen, but accept his point of view.

I believe he felt understood.

I hope so, at least.

He held those thoughts for a long time and now he was finally able to let them go.

I was a breath of fresh air for him just as much as he was for me.

We found each other at the right time.

What I’ve Learned

Just like passion is subjective, so is our view of Divinity.

This stems from personal experience. While it may change over time, there are some universal truths. For example, you might argue that one audio brand is better than the other, but we can all accept that a high-quality piece produces sound that is significantly clearer.

The time it takes to reach these truths is directly related to the level of healing and understanding you’ve achieved through introspection. In other words, Divinity cannot intervene without being invited.

We’re the ones who can make the Divine relationship work.

Otherwise, Divinity watches upon us and guides us when needed, but ultimately, the choice is ours.

We are responsible for shaping our lives.

But we can ask for help. And when we do, we will receive it in the best way for us, even if it may not look as we initially expected.

This person might not yet realize that he is also part of a greater plan. He gave up hope, for the moment. But life has its peculiar ways to put us back on track.

Our encounter was no coincidence.

And just like he inspired me to write this letter, he will also have other opportunities to open his eyes to the messages in front of him.

How To Actively Seek Divine Messages

We can all find guidance and spiritual values.

These come from the most unexpected places.

While it may happen randomly, we can also stimulate these events to manifest in our lives.

For the next two weeks, try this exercise once a day: 

  1. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. 
  2. Visualize your Kundalini energy at the sacral chakra area and keep your focus there while saying the following affirmation:

“I attract the optimal people, events, and situations for my greater good, in accordance with Divine will!”

Repeat this three times, either in the morning or before going to bed.

• In the morning, it helps “rewire” your brain and inner self, setting the tone for the day.

• In the evening, it helps shift your overall resonance before sleep, which can directly influence your subconscious.

The choice is yours.

Just make sure to be consistent.

Let me know what you think!