3 Reasons That Prevent You From Manifesting Your Goals

As far as I can tell, it’s just about letting the universe know what you want and then working toward it while letting go of how it comes to pass. - Jim Carrey

“If you’re so convinced about the power of manifestation, then why don’t you manifest a Rolls Royce?” – a skeptic once asked me. “Because manifestation is a deeper concept. It doesn’t work instantly just by snapping your fingers. It has prerequisites.” – I replied. I was asked this question a long time ago. Even though … Read more

Things I Learned From A Toxic Relationship

Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home... it's your responsibility to love it, or change it. - Chuck Palahniuk

We all want to attract the right person into our lives. Eventually, we meet someone we get along with. It might be love at first sight or another human being with whom we can share our lives. Of course, we wonder if this person is truly “the one.” We look for attributes and traits that … Read more

Intercept The Present Moment And Turn Anxiety Into Your Favor

It always seems impossible until it's done. - Nelson Mandela

Anxiety can be a gift. Every day, we encounter different types of challenges. Some are more severe and, therefore, obvious, while others silently pass us by. But regardless of their nature, we face these challenges for a reason. You may choose to ignore their presence and accept their effects. Or you can try to use … Read more

How A Mountain Hike Helped Me Dissolve My Karmic Debts

As I make my slow pilgrimage through the world, a certain sense of beautiful mystery seems to gather and grow. - A C Benson

Ever feel like you’re not living life at your full potential? Despite your efforts to meditate, help others, and improve your existence in various areas, you still seem to struggle. It’s not that you’re not making progress or you’re not fulfilled from time to time. But something there is missing, and it’s not about greed … Read more

How To Recharge In Less Than 3 Minutes

Simple is harder than complex - Steve Jobs

We all go through challenging days. Somehow, everything happens within 24h, and you must handle them all. You feel fatigued, drained by energy, and the only thing that you can think of is to drop it all. But you can’t. You must see this through. In these moments, you can have an extra cup of … Read more

4 Reiki Methods That Don’t Depend On Symbols

Truth is ever to be found in simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things. - Isaac Newton

It’s not unusual to think about the sacred symbols when you practice Reiki. That’s because they subconsciously represent a bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds. However, we often rely too much on them. And, we miss out on the many treasures Reiki has to offer. On the other hand, some people believe symbols are … Read more

How To Properly Send Reiki Distance Healing To A Group

Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. - Greg Anderson

So… You feel ready to send distance healing to others. You are confident in your abilities and willing to offer your assistance to those in need. But in this case, you face a unique situation. You must send distance healing to multiple people at once, not to a single individual. So, what do you do? … Read more

12 Reiki Symbol Sequence For Specific Uses

True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us. - Socrates

Have you ever wanted to do more in your Reiki practice but were unsure where to start? Traditional methods cover many needs and imbalances, yet there’s something to be explored beyond that. Reiki symbols are the next big step in a Reiki practitioner’s journey. They help you tap into unique manifestations of the universal life … Read more

The Usui Reiki Level 1 Attunement Process

While we teach, we learn. - Seneca

If you are a Reiki master, this message is for you. It’s a different kind of newsletter. But valuable, nevertheless. I thought long and hard if I should share this information. After much consideration, I realized this could be useful in any Reiki practitioner’s arsenal, whether you plan to implement it soon or not. I … Read more

Can Reiki Help With Weight Management

What do you do when you lose something? You search for it. Replace "weight loss" with "weight recovery". - ReikiScoop

Have you ever thought that the secret to losing weight might not be eating less or exercising more but rather raising your body’s energy level? And can Reiki be the tool you need to balance your metabolism? The short answer is Yes! The more extended version implies accepting that we’re different and face unique challenges. … Read more